Boost your career and dominate cloud technologies today with our CCSP certification course!
Duration: 4 days
Our CCSP certification course gives you the opportunity to become a cloud computing expert and gain official recognition for your cloud computing skills.
Delivered by an experienced trainer, our training course will help you master cloud computing technologies and understand best practices for managing cloud services.
You can choose between interactive online courses, on-site or in-company sessions to ensure a complete understanding of the subjects.
Boost your career in the ever-changing world of technology by registering now!
Training program
Area 1 – Cloud computing architecture design requirements and concepts
- Cloud computing concepts.
- Cloud computing reference architectures.
- Security concepts associated with cloud computing.
- Cloud computing security design principles.
- Identifying trusted cloud computing services.
Area 2 – Data security in cloud computing
- The cloud computing data lifecycle.
- Design and deployment of cloud computing storage architectures.
- Design and implementation of data security strategies.
- Knowledge and deployment of classification and data discovery technologies.
- Design and implementation of legal data security requirements concerning the identification of personal information (PII).
- Design and deployment of Data Rights Management.
- Planning and implementation of data retention, deletion and archiving policies.
- Design and deployment of audit, detection and demonstrability approaches.
Area 3 – Security of cloud computing infrastructures and platforms
- Cloud computing infrastructure components.
- Risk assessment of cloud computing infrastructure.
- Designing and planning safety checks.
- Design and deployment of service and business continuity and recovery plans.
Area 4 – Cloud computing application security
- Security training and awareness around cloud computing services.
- Validation and assurance of cloud computing software solutions.
- Use of verified software, API approval.
- SDLS: software security development lifecycle.
- Cloud computing application architectures.
- Design and deployment of an IAM (Identity & Access Management) solution.
Area 5 – Operations management
- Planning of data center design processes.
- Development and implementation of a physical cloud infrastructure.
- Operational management and maintenance of a physical cloud computing infrastructure.
- Design, maintenance and management of a logical cloud computing infrastructure.
- Compliance with standards such as ISO 20000-1 or repositories like ITIL.
- Risk assessment of a logical and physical Cloud Computing infrastructure.
- Collecting and preserving digital evidence (forensic).
- Communication with stakeholders.
Area 6 – Legal requirements and compliance
- Risks and legal requirements of a Cloud Computing environment.
- Privacy management: different legal requirements in different countries.
- Methods and processes for auditing a cloud computing environment.
- Enterprise-level risk management in a cloud computing ecosystem.
- Contract design and management, particularly in the context of outsourcing.
- Cloud Computing vendor management.